Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Day 11 June 5, 2007

Today was a travel day, so there wasn't much to write about. We left Clovis, New Mexico around 9 am and departed northward to North Platte, Nebraska to get near position for Wednesday's setup. In fact, the next few days looked interesting. On our way through Amarillo, we stopped at the Big Texan gift shop once more. Ron had bought a bright coloured orange foam cowboy that was 4 times the size of his head and wore it in Pizza Hut in Dumas. He sure looked pretty funny.

We went through the town of Hooker, Oklahoma once again as well. We went inside a small gift shop to get a couple of little souvenirs, then continued north. Sandra, Pam and I sat in the van and watched three movies... Fast and the Furious, Twister (which I haven't seen in 10 years) and Sam I Am. That really passed the time. In Colby, Kansas, we ate at a Montana Mike's. I had some salmon and grilled shrimp with sweet potato with a Fat Tire beer. I really needed that meal... I felt so re-energized afterwards.

Once it got dark out, Ron's antenna was glowing green at the top. Scott and Ron joked about turning down the voltage on the ham radio equipment. I wasn't quite sure what they were talking about, but apparently Mike and Dave had purchased a little LED antenna light back in Roswell to surprise Ron. Scott dubbed Ron the "Electric Cowboy".

Of course while going through north Kansas, I noticed infrequent lightning way off in the distance that must have been hundreds of miles away to the west. Lee thought the beer was getting to my head because she didn't believe me, but I only had one, I swear! We stayed at a Comfort Inn in breezy North Platte overnight.

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